Wednesday, September 9, 2009

you should’ve asked sooner

I saw you looking at me
It all came back, the love story, the tragedy
The times when i coveted thee
Times when I still believed in serendipity

I reckon the day when you made me titter
The mere touching of hands that made me jitter
The rare times I get stared at by your piercing eyes
Then you left me hanging on a precipice

Yes, you left me hanging when we parted destiny
I went with honor, you went with piety
You stood out, I lied low
Neither bothered to say hello

As the days pass by monotonously
My heart kept playing the same sad melody
It begins with ‘I thought we were meant to be’
Then the same phrase is sung repeatedly

Time has change my once trifling life
Rid my heart of its ubiquitous bloody strife
The pain once so seething is now so dim
And this I owe to no one but Him

So now I see you looking at me
Though peripheral I can still see you clearly
Is it longing I see in your eyes my hallowed crooner?
If it’s love you ask, you should have asked sooner.

Friday, August 14, 2009

for edWard cuLLen

Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky,

I start thinking of you and then ask myself, why?

Why do I love you? I think and smile,

because I know the list could run on for miles.

The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch,

so many little things that make me love you so much.

The way you support me, and help with my emotions,

the way that you care and show such devotion.

The way that your kiss, fills me with desire,

and how you hold me with the warmth of a blazing fire.

The way your eyes shine when you look at me,

lost with you forever is where I want to be.

The way that I feel when you’re by my side,

a sense of completion and overflowing pride.

The dreams that I dream, that all involve you,

the possibilities I see and the things we can do.

How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart,

how that deep in my soul, you are the most important part.

I could go on for days, telling of what I feel,

but all you really must know is my love for you is real.